The DUTCH Complete Hormone Test

There is so much you can learn about your body through testing!⁣

The DUTCH test is the most comprehensive method of testing and measures your sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites, as well as organic acids. It is a urine test taken in the comfort of your own home.

Two reasons I love this test:

  1. The DUTCH test maps out your HPA Axis function. HPA Axis, or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, is a complex set of interactions between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands (this system is also in communication with the ovaries, thyroid, and gut). It plays a critical role in regulating stress responses, mood, digestion, immune function, and energy storage and expenditure in the body. When our body is stressed, it will downshift certain hormone production, and increase others. Testing your HPA Axis function is foundational to address the root cause.

  2. Provides insight into how you are metabolizing estrogen. How your body is breaking it down & clearing it through your detoxification pathways (liver), something which is not seen on a standard blood test.⁣ Identifying these patterns can give insight into why you may be experiencing symptoms and how to fix it.

Through testing, we can pinpoint what is causing symptoms & imbalances, targeting the treatment more efficiently. ⁣

If you have questions about the DUTCH test, schedule a free 15-minute call below.

DUTCH stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones.

It includes:⁣

🔸Progesterone & progesterone metabolites⁣

🔸Estrogen & estrogen metabolites⁣

🔸Androgens (testosterone) & androgen metabolites⁣

🔸Cortisol, cortisol metabolites, & cortisone⁣




🔸Neurotransmitter markers (dopamine & adrenaline)

🔸Nutritional organic acids for B12, B6, Biotin & glutathione⁣

🔸Gut dysbiosis: Indican

🔸 Neuroinflammation: Quinolinate

🔸 Oxidative Stress

Hear what a few of my client’s have to say:

Reasons I might recommend testing:

  • If you have adrenal gland dysfunction or experience chronic stress, testing your adrenal hormones and their rhythms gives specific information about how to handle these problems. We are specifically looking at your adrenal-brain communication, known as your HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal).

  • If you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, PMS, irregular periods, endometriosis, PMDD, painful periods, anxiety, depression, low libido and weight loss resistance, this test is highly beneficial. It gives a complete picture of how adrenal and reproductive hormone imbalances contribute to these problems.

  • If you have sleep problems, it’s important to check cortisol levels and melatonin. Melatonin can be low and related to your sleep problems, or it can be normal. 

  • You may have “estrogen dominance.” This is when the scales are tipped so that progesterone is low and estrogen is high. Estrogen dominance can be a factor in endometriosis, PMS, painful periods, acne, weight loss resistance, fibrous breasts, fibroids, tender breasts, moodiness, and more. It can make peri-menopause symptoms significantly worse.

  • This test shows how you metabolize estrogen through your liver. If you don’t metabolize estrogen well, your risks of estrogen-related cancers such as breast, cervical and uterine cancer can increase.

These are just a few common reasons!

Why test dried urine versus blood?


→Gives diurnal rhythm of cortisol/total production (necessary for the full picture of adrenal health)⁣

→Easy to collect, no needles/blood draw

→Shows metabolites of hormones⁣

→Shows nutritional markers

→Gives you a full overview of your hormones⁣


→Requires blood draw/needles and can cause stress for some ⁣

→ Doesn’t show a pattern of cortisol/total cortisol ⁣

→Doesn’t show hormone metabolites ⁣

⁣Through testing, we can pinpoint what is causing symptoms & imbalances, targeting the treatment more efficiently. ⁣

If you have questions about the DUTCH test, schedule a free 15-minute call below.


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